Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Wow, so I'm not a good blogger!

Hello everyone! I haven't been keeping up with my blog for my photography and that disappoints me. I should be better at this!!! School is ridiculous busy. Taking 7 classes was a major no no! hahaha I'm trying to get everything finished with my independent study for Wyman, I am going to Austin on Thursday for some future employment opportunities. I really need a job so I can get my house! I'll go shooting somewhere around there during the evenings, I'm Glad it gets dark at like 6 so I can shoot earlier! hahaha I'll let you see a few samples of what I'm working on. I wish I could get some time to edit and update blogs, websites, myspaces, etc. But I'll give a glimpse of what I'm working on. So after December, I'm going to really try to get cracking on weekly updates! Hope everyone is doing well!

Much Love,


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