Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Wow, so I'm not a good blogger!

Hello everyone! I haven't been keeping up with my blog for my photography and that disappoints me. I should be better at this!!! School is ridiculous busy. Taking 7 classes was a major no no! hahaha I'm trying to get everything finished with my independent study for Wyman, I am going to Austin on Thursday for some future employment opportunities. I really need a job so I can get my house! I'll go shooting somewhere around there during the evenings, I'm Glad it gets dark at like 6 so I can shoot earlier! hahaha I'll let you see a few samples of what I'm working on. I wish I could get some time to edit and update blogs, websites, myspaces, etc. But I'll give a glimpse of what I'm working on. So after December, I'm going to really try to get cracking on weekly updates! Hope everyone is doing well!

Much Love,


Friday, September 28, 2007

My first Photostar Blog!

Hello Friends!!! I've decided to get my own blog for my photography business! I'm excited to start really working on my portfolio and sharing it with you all!! I hope to keep this blog updated with pictures and news as I continue to build up my photography business! I'll update soon, I just wanted to get a quick post on here! Later this weekend I'll update my rate pages so you know how much I cost! hahaha Love you guys and have a rockin day!