Sunday, May 25, 2008

Ft. McKavitt and Lightning!!!

So I had to post a few of these before I post the Dolan Falls and Independence Creek photos. These photos are from Ft. McKavitt and Lightning shots I captured LAST NIGHT. Ft. McKavitt is an old fort by my hometown the the Junction Krew always goes the night before the last day to paint. I met the krew and said good bye to them one last time... The Lightning shots are from last night when a lightning store came through my current residence... I am so lucky to have caputred these shots! Enjoy!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


So my cousin and I went out by San Angelo, Texas and shot a few portraits for a local salon in my hometown. They've been asking for some art work for a bit and I finally got time to go shoot! My cousin and I have been best friends since she was born!!! hahaha. Enjoy the photos and keep coming back I'll be uploading Independence Creek and Dolan Falls! Love you guys!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

Theory of a Deadman!

Theory of a Deadman came to Abilene, TX along with Faktion, Cult to Follow and 32 Leaves. Theory of a deadman is my favorite current band and was excited to get to go watch them and take lots of pictures! Here are for some pictures from the concert!